+7 495 504 15 77

From Idea to Effective Production

Process Development and Industrial Architecture Solutions

P1030777-miniAdvanSystems Project Team develop the complex building design  based on advanced concepts from leading process equipment manufacturers.

Main phases:

A. Process concept and Architecture/Construction plant concept  (or workshop concept);

B. Project Documentation for business planning and building permit (reconstruction) to: production (workshop) stage “P (Project)»;

C. Design documentation for construction (reconstruction) of the object: production (workshop) stage “R(work)».

A. Process concept and Architecture/Construction plant concept  (or workshop concept):

1. Development of Technical and Technological Objective which involves:

1.1. Process  calculations of capacity/ product output.

1.2. Substantiation requirements and determination of basic concept sufficiency  to implement technological tasks, ensuring competitiveness and energy efficiency in key areas .

1.3. Concept development of process layouts  in the plant contour with accommodation of technological equipment.

2. Development of architectural and construction Objective  which involves:

2.1. Development of architectural concept of production plant with the proposed developer planning process ( see 1.3 ). Layouts and main sections;

2.2. Visualization of plant facades in the three-dimensional projection in color, giving to customer the most comprehensive understanding of the architectural concept;

2.3. Calculation of areas for erected buildings  according  to Developer’s concept.

3 . Technical Objective Development provides:

3.1 Definition of basic construction materials and elements from standard constructions recommended by Developer for use in the plant design (workshop). Recommendations based on the Developer’s experience and the specific nomenclature of regional producers of construction materials.

3.2. Definition of Power Supply concept, main power equipment, materials and equipment suppliers of engineering systems, cable and wire products, pipelines, taking into account of technical specifications for connection to utility networks.

3.3. Coordination of parameters and characteristics for designed system (projected construction phase) with the parameters and characteristics of existing systems (in the case of expansion or renovation). Determining the requirements for the integrity of final systems and unification of control .

B. Development of project documentation «complex » stage «P» in full compliance with:

«The main requirements for the design and working documents» approved by GOST R 21.1101-2009 ;

Documentation provided GOST R 21.1001-2009; 21.1002-2009; 21.110-95; 21.501-93 and other rules systems design documents for construction (ASAP );

Requirements of the «Regulations on the composition of design documentation and requirements to their content», approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 № 87.

Engineering standards meat industry VNTP 540/697-92 ;

Sanitary and veterinary requirements for design in meat industry  VNTP- 6.02.-92;

Veterinary and sanitary regulations for poultry processing and egg production № 4261-87 of May 6, 1987;

Departmental standards for the design of administrative, community buildings and facilities for livestock and poultry farms;

List of premises, facilities for fire and explosion hazards , fire and explosion class rooms ( zones) of the meat and dairy industries. AM 1999 (JSC «INSTITUTE GIPROMYASOMOLPROM «);

SNIP 31-03-2001 » Industrial buildings “;

NPB 105-03 «Definition of categories of rooms, buildings and outdoor facilities for explosion and fire hazard «;

NPB 110-03 — «The list of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire and automatic fire alarm»;

GOST R 12.3.047-98 «Fire safety processes. General requirements . Methods of control «;

SNIP 21-01-97 * «Fire safety of buildings and structures «;

GOST 12.1.005-88 . General hygiene requirements to the working area;

SanPin «Hygienic requirements for microclimate of industrial premises.» (approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation of 01.10.1996 № 21)

R2.2.2006 -05 «Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors for working environment» Electrical codes (PUE)

C. Development of Design documentation  / stage «P» in accordance with: 

«The main requirements for the design and working documents» approved by GOST R 21.1101-2009;

Documentation provided GOST R 21.1001-2009; 21.1002-2009; 21.110-95; 21.501-93 and other rules systems design documents for construction (SPDS)

Oktyabriskiy bulvar 12, 141077, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
Phone.: +7 495 504 15 77